Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Voice For Susan Cox

    Susan Cox (Powell) is unable to speak for herself.  Her detractors, Josh and Steven Powell, can say anything they want, with impunity, because they know she cannot answer for herself. 

    Analysis Question:  Did Susan Cox fear Josh Powell's father, Steven Powell?

    Statement Analysis can, and will, speak for Susan, and join voices with Susan's family, friends, and supporters.  This will be done by exposing lies and deception, and showing projection on the part of the the Powells.  

    Analysis has shown that Josh Powell is deceptive about what happened to Susan and revealed that he did to her body that which would cause wildlife to devour her remains.  Both men are cut from the same cloth.  

    Susan was the victim of domestic homicide, first living under a controlling, insecure man, and then a victim of his wrath as she came closer and closer to her freedom.  The Powells continue to victimize her, just as analysis shows that the guilty perpetrator disparages his victim.  Powell is relentless in his hatred for her, which may suggest that he is feeling the pressure of guilt, or of being caught, even as much time has elapsed.  There is a reason why he and his father are speaking out now, where they haven't said much previously.  Let us hope the FBI is getting closer to issuing an arrest warrant (or two) in this case. 

    As guilty people often do, Josh Powell denigrates his victim.  Note that analysis shows him as an insecure, violent, and probably impotent man (see prior) who resented a woman's strength, intellect, and high moral character.  

    He recently said:  'I am a good dad and I was a good husband. Though Susan was never unfaithful before that I know of, she was a very sexual person.'

    As we have noted from the beginning, he knows she is dead (and has from the beginning), so the past tense, in spite of him saying that she 'ran off' with another man, is appropriately chosen.  But note here:  "she was a very sexual person" in particular for analysis. 

    1.  "Very"      This shows sensitivity towards the word "sexual"   Analysis has shown, prior to the release of this latest material, sexual issues with Josh Powell and his father, Steven Powell. 

    2.  "Person"   Note that "person" is used, which is gender neutral.  This is in conflict with that which he attempts to assert:  sexualization.  
    If we take the sensitivity indicator of "very" along with the conflict of the gender neutral pronoun, we may safely conclude that Josh Powell is lying, and projecting his own sexual inadequacy.  His need to denigrate his victim now, means the timing is sensitive to him.  It is likely that he now fears that investigators may be closing in on him. 

    First is prior analysis followed by an article about sexual allegations.  Please note that the 2nd article has critical statements analyzed

    I.  Josh Powell has given strong indication that he has murdered his wife; in particular, by his actions and what he hasn't said: he has remained silent and did not cooperate with police. His story of midnight camping, although goofy, has been the "last word" on the case.
    However, humans cannot be silent forever. Madness descends upon those in solitary confinement. Avinoam Sapir, the genius behind modern Statement Analysis said that there would be more homicides if people were not so afraid they would talk about it later.

    Powell shows himself as an impotent, insecure, abusive controlling killer, who, although has been able to be silent about Susan, appears to be enraged over her family.

    Here, we do not have much to go upon, but we continue to monitor the case by analyzing anything Josh Powell says.

    People do not speak in a vacuum. Even jokesters, or comedians, will employ language that comes to their mind for a reason. We should always be on alert; always listening.

    Below is the short article, in plain text; quotes in italics, and Statement Analysis in bold type (along with commentary on the case itself). 

    The Salt Lake Tribune

    Puyallup, Wash. • Despite pressure from police and the public, Josh Powell has remained tight-lipped about why he thinks his wife disappeared or how she might be found.

    But this week the husband of Susan Cox Powell broke his silence to say his wife is “extremely unstable,” and that he believes mental illness drove her to leave her family behind.

    Here, we do not know if he spoke of her in present or past tense.  He can insult her with impunity, believing that she cannot answer back.  Statement Analysis can help be her voice, just as her family and friends continue to be so.  He wants his audience (the public) to know that she was not "unstable" but "extremely unstable" as we note the sensitivity indicator found in the word "extremely."   Why does Josh Powell want the public to think this about Susan?  If Susan left on her own, as the Powells claim, what need does he have to impact public opinion?
    Only reduced scrutiny from her family and the public, he said, will speed her return.

    “She knows she will be chewed up like hamburger when she comes back,” Josh Powell said in a Wednesday interview with The Salt Lake Tribune.

    If Powell indeed gave an interview to the Salt Lake Tribune, they have done a poor job of relating what he said, and in what context it was said. "chewed up like hamburger" may indicate the violence that he perpetrated against Susan.

    Was this a threat to the family? Is this a sick, twisted game he is playing by attempting to silence the family's criticism of him? 

    He complained his wife’s family has created an image of her that puts her under too much pressure.

    “She can’t come back with them treating her this way,” Josh Powell said. “They want her to be perfect, a saint with no fallibility.”

    This is revelatory. "She can't come back" he tells anyone who is listening. 

    Josh Powell is doing what guilty homicidal victims do: demonizing the victim.

    In analyzing domestic homicide, the perpetrator will often find himself blaming the victim, or subtly insulting the victim. This is even evident in homicidal 911 calls placed by the guilty caller; even with children! There is a subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, insult of the victim. (See Dr. Adam's analysis). Note that when Adam Baker called 911 to report his daughter kidnapped, he insulted her by saying that the 10 year old was going through puberty. The disdain and hatred the perpetrator feels towards the victim continues after the murder. Why? Because the perpetrator feels the pressure of being questioned, and will often blame the victim now for the pain of pressure by questions. The hostility that Susan's family feels towards Josh is evident and he seeks to soil her reputation. It is likely that he will attempt to continue the deception that Susan is "alive" including deliberately attempting to use language to persuade as such, but will likely leak out his crime against her. 
    Susan’s family and friends have openly criticized Josh Powell’s level of cooperation with investigators and recounted instances of controlling and abusive behavior toward his wife. Yet Josh Powell said his wife’s family must stop lying about him and be more accepting of an imperfect Susan.

    “She doesn’t have as much strength as they like to think she has,” Josh Powell said.

    The control he exerted over her, in life, was his "proof" that he was "stronger" than she was. He is likely an "inadequate" abuser and killer. Envious over her strength and acutely aware of his own failures and insecurities, Josh made Susan pay the ultimate price for his shortcomings in life and was able to "prove" his strength to be greater than hers.

    This is likely an intimation that she put up a fight in her death struggle with Powell. 

    But he also tearfully described Susan as “a good person and a good wife and a good mother.”

    Note the order: good person, good wife, and good mother. When a husband describes a wife as a "person" it is usually indicative of sexual dysfunction. Note that this would fit into the profile of Josh Powell as a weak, insecure and volatile abuser. Sexual dysfunction can contribute to the abuser's rage and desire to show himself "stronger" than the victim. Remember, language does not come from a vacuum, even when being deceptive. People choose words for a reason. 

    Susan’s parents say they aren’t the problem, and that their son-in-law and his family are unhappy they have been criticized. They continue to believe their daughter would never have left her two young sons.

    “It’s clear with them they need to blame somebody,” said Susan’s father, Chuck Cox, during an interview at his Puyallup home.

    He says she’s alive » Police have called Josh Powell the only person of interest in his wife’s Dec. 7 disappearance from their home in West Valley City.

    Josh Powell declined to answer many questions about the investigation and at points asked his father, Steve, not to bring up some subjects.

    Note that the author or editor could have given us a list of questions Josh Powell refused to answer but did not.

    But Josh Powell stuck by his previous statements: that he last saw his wife as he left her at home and took their sons, then ages 2 and 4, on a late-night camping trip to the west desert in the family’s blue minivan. He and the children stayed warm in the freezing temperatures with a generator and heater he had purchased two weeks earlier, Josh Powell said. Police have since seized the equipment, he said.

    “Susan was with me at the generator store,” Josh Powell said, but was unable to remember the name of the store.

    As for the wet spot police found on the carpet of Josh and Susan Powell’s home the day after her disappearance, Steve Powell said his daughter-in-law had decided to clean the carpets. There was a red spot on the carpet underneath the couch, he said.

    “It was probably juice or something,” Steve Powell said.

    What may appear to be terribly flippant or dismissive, may be a statement of denial. 

    Steve Powell said an FBI agent who came to his Puyallup home on May 11 told him the bureau, after reviewing evidence gathered by West Valley City police, does not believe Josh Powell had anything to do with the disappearance and that Susan is alive.

    That agent, and others from the U.S. Marshals service, were there to retrieve a GPS tracking device secretly attached to Susan and Josh Powell’s Dodge Caravan. Two court orders, signed by a federal magistrate in Salt Lake City and reviewed by The Tribune, indicate the device was attached to the van in January.

    An FBI spokeswoman on Friday declined to comment.

    It is possible that the FBI sought to disarm the family with such a statement.

    Also on May 11, Steve Powell gave agents permission to search his home, according to other documents provided by the family. Josh Powell also gave permission for authorities to search the storage sheds at his home in West Valley City.

    Police there have said Josh Powell has not responded to requests for additional interviews. However, Steve Powell said when his son returned to Utah from Washington in December, his attorney told police he would meet them for another interview. Steve Powell claims the detectives said they only work Monday through Thursday. Josh Powell was arriving on a Friday. The interview did not occur.

    “How interested were these people in talking to Josh?” Steve Powell asked rhetorically.

    It may be rhetorically asked, but in Statement Analysis, we view only the words and it is likely that Steve Powell would like to know how interested the police are in talking to Josh, who has reportedly said little, to the frustration of police. 
    Josh Powell said he will not meet with West Valley City police again.

    Steve Powell said he has spoken to law enforcement multiple times, including a three-hour interview on Dec. 17 with West Valley City police detectives who traveled to Puyallup. The two detectives spent most of the time gathering information about Susan, Steve Powell said.

    Steve Powell believes his daughter-in-law ran off with a boyfriend. He said Susan talked with her friends about sex and the sexual encounters she had before meeting her husband.

    “Susan’s very sexually motivated, and she’s very financially motivated,” Steve Powell said.

    The apples do not fall far from the tree; as Steve Powell now seeks to also demonize the victim. As cruel as these comments appear, it does show the similarity between Steve and Josh Powell; cut from the same cloth. 
    At the end of the interview with detectives, Steve Powell said, he allowed them to search his home for Susan.

    West Valley City police Sgt. Mike Powell, a department spokesman who is not related to the Puyallup Powells, declined to talk about evidence in the case. As for whether detectives decline to work on a Friday, he said: “We make all sorts of accommodations under all sorts of difficult circumstances
    Josh Powell spent much of the interview discussing Susan’s parents, Chuck and Judy Cox
    Someone needs to take the velvet gloves off and treat [the Coxes] like an investigative subject,” Josh Powell said.

    The rage has not diminished in murder. He was able to overcome his impotency and silence the stronger, Susan, but now rages towards her family, who refuse to be silent. What is it he believes that they should be investigated for?
    He accused them of directing what he referred to as a “hate wagon” where their supporters go on Facebook and accuse Josh Powell of murdering his wife and other bad behavior.

    Instead, Josh Powell said his wife’s family mental history might be to blame for her running away. He claimed Judy Cox is prone to uncontrollable crying and emotional outbursts and said he wonders whether Susan inherited those traits.

    note the lack of direct quotes; frustrating. Even without quotes, however, we see how Powell blames the family who are now targets of his wrath. 

    Josh Powell said his wife would sometimes yell at him while chasing him around the dining room table. Another time, Susan ran down their street in West Valley City in her underwear to yell at him, he said.

    Note how he believes that saying this would make people have empathy for him; when the opposite is true. Did he really think this would sound bad? He is a sociopath; unable to feel empathy for another human. His children are in jeopardy. 
    Meanwhile, Chuck Cox is controlling and manipulative, Josh Powell claimed.

    “You can’t escape the fact that he is the puppet master,” Josh Powell said.

    Note the subject of control and the feelings of impotency that Josh Powell cannot keep to himself. He was better off being silent. 
    The Coxes expected their daughter to be perfect, Josh Powell said. But Josh Powell claims they also tried to undermine their daughters’ relationships with their husbands by encouraging them to keep secret bank accounts and make false reports of abuse.

    The Coxes, Josh Powell, said, “are entirely motivated by image.”

    If the Coxes were "entirely motivated" by image, one can imagine how much of an embarrassment this violent abusive bully was to them. 
    He accused the Coxes of lying about his behavior, including that he mishandled the family finances. Josh Powell said a 2007 bankruptcy was the result of a bad investment he made in telephone-book advertising for his real-estate firm. But he said he and Susan were combining to earn about $100,000 a year when she disappeared. The couple had even been shopping for a pop-up camping trailer, he said.

    Pop up camping trailers are useful for those midnight camping trips, so popular among 2 year olds these days. 
    Josh Powell also questioned why his wife’s family began using her maiden name in references to her. He believes the family did so to disassociate her from Josh Powell and for financial reasons.

    Most people can think for themselves why the name, "Powell" would cause such pain to the family of Susan. This inclusion is an important piece for understanding: it shows how deeply insulted Josh Powell is, in all of his raging smallness and insecurity.

    Josh Powell said he bought all the website domain names similar to his wife’s name, but the Cox family wanted to be able to start a foundation and raise money in association with Susan and began referring to her with both surnames.

    Did the newspaper ask Josh Powell why he bought all the website domains with Susan's name?
    Their Susan Cox Powell Foundation is a registered not-for-profit corporation with the state of Washington. Its stated mission is to help families of missing people and raise awareness of domestic violence.

    They are trying to solicit donations on the bull---- idea I am an abuser,” Josh Powell said.

    Rarely will innocent people frame the words that indicate guilt; it is just not in their vocabulary. "You think I did it?" where the words, "I did it" are found generally point to guilt. "Are you the king of the Jews?" was posed to Christ, Who answered, "Thou sayest it"; because their own words frame it in their line of questioning.

    Josh Powell is an abuser who went to the ultimate end of abuse in silencing his victim for ever. Susan may not have a voice, but her family does and will not be silenced nor intimidated by him. We know he is an abuser because he has told us such. Whether his words are an attempt at sarcasm or ridicule, they are his words and they are formulated in his mind for a reason. 

    "I don't want you to think I don't respect you" said Lindsey Lohan to the judge, as she had F U * * Y O U on her fingernails, pointed at the judge, while sitting in court. As she walked out of court, she called the female judge, "bitch".
    Statement Analysis teaches: Listen to what people tell you.

    The Coxes and Josh Powell’s estranged sister, Jennifer Graves, are among the board members.

    His sister would know what Josh was like growing up, how the word "no" would send him into rages, and how violent and threatening he could easily become. 

    A different story » Jennifer Graves and her husband, Kirk, who live in West Jordan, told The Tribune on Friday that Josh and Steve Powell have concocted a story to cover up their involvement in Susan’s disappearance

    Josh Powell speaks: My wife, Susan, left us behind
    « Previous Page
    “They need an explanation for why she’s not around,” Kirk Graves said. “He can’t say ‘Of course, she’s not around because I killed her.’ ”

    The Graves balked at assertions that Susan was “sexually and financially motivated” to leave her marriage.

    They’ve basically accused Susan of being a slut, and it’s offensive to me,” Jennifer Graves said. “She was not. She was frustrated with her marriage.”

    Jennifer Graves said the idea that Susan had a boyfriend is particularly laughable because those who knew her also knew she couldn’t keep a secret.

    “She was such a talker, it would have gotten out,” Jennifer Graves said.

    This, in principle, is true. Talkers cannot keep information to themselves. This is why Statement Analysis is for listeners.

    She said her sister-in-law was frustrated that her relationship with Josh Powell lacked intimacy. Susan wanted that to improve, but Josh refused, Jennifer Graves said.

    Note the word used previously by Josh Powell in describing Susan: "person". This is indicative of a sexual problem within the marriage when it is used without the word "woman", which would have been expected in the context. 
    The Graveses also shot down Josh Powell’s assertion that Susan is mentally ill and that Chuck Cox is controlling.

    The irony, the Graveses said, is that one of Josh Powell’s brothers has been diagnosed as bipolar and schizophrenic. Steve Powell, they said, is a controlling person who often drives the actions of some of his children. With mental illness running in the family, the Graveses wonder if Josh might be the one suffering from it.

    We would expect to hear projection from Josh Powell.

    Josh has some of the same tendencies, only very mild,” Jennifer Graves said of her brother’s similarities to their bipolar brother.

    The Graveses say Josh Powell was responsible for the family’s bankruptcy. Susan maintained excellent credit, they said, while Josh’s scores had slumped because of repeatedly bad financial decisions.

    Josh Powell's impotency could have shown itself in overcompensating spending, in order to make himself a "big man". 

    Chuck and Judy Cox also say no one in their family has been diagnosed with or possesses significant signs of mental illness.

    “We have both seen psychiatrists since this started,” Chuck Cox said referring to his daughter’s disappearance, “who have told us we are doing very well, except we’re mildly depressed.”

    Chuck Cox is honest and forthcoming, rather than yielding to Josh Powell's attempt to humiliate him. Depression is expected and Cox shows that the family that suffers from depression has no need to be humiliated. 

    This truthful revelation, along with others from Chuck Cox, highlights  the strength and backbone that Susan  came from.  

    Conversely, Josh Powell's hatred of Susan's moral strength and virtue came from his own father, Steve Powell, who has revealed himself as vile. 

    Chuck Cox said he encouraged his daughter to keep a separate bank account because Josh Powell was controlling the family finances and their daughter did not have money for food, diapers and clothes for her sons.
    a wise father; he likely knew and probably deals with lingering guilt, having warned his daughter about Powell; seeing, as sometimes fathers do, right through the image of strength, into some dangerous weaknesses that Powell showed.  

    Susan would gain access to her and Josh Powell’s account and Josh Powell “would change the account numbers and the PIN numbers,” Chuck Cox said.

    Chuck Cox said his daughter saw a marriage counselor and that counselor also suggested a separate account.

    Friends of Susan told The Tribune in late December that she was keeping a separate bank account and arranging for a place to go in the event she needed to leave her husband. The friends, who requested anonymity at that time because police had asked them not to speak to the media, said Susan was worried Josh Powell might kidnap their children and try to break her financially

    They likely knew how capable Josh Powell was at inflicting pain upon others. 
    Members of the Cox family have also said Susan spoke of a divorce if things didn’t improve by her April anniversary.

    The Coxes acknowledge they inserted Susan’s maiden name to disassociate her from her husband and to create a unique name for the foundation. However, they say they did that because their daughter would not want to remain married to Josh Powell if she knew how he has “impeded” the investigation into her disappearance.

    The Coxes said the foundation has raised about $2,000.

    Mostly it’s our money and a few contributions,” Chuck Cox said.

    Josh Powell said he allowed the Coxes to see his sons periodically after Susan’s disappearance but that he told them not to discuss the children with reporters.

    The Coxes did discuss the boys, though it was usually to say they wanted to see them more often. Josh Powell said he considered discussion of the issue to be a violation of his sons’ privacy and that he will not let the Coxes visit the children if they continue to discuss the children.

    Whether or not they ever have contact with my sons is their choice based on their own behavior,” he said.

    A statement of control: if they do not yield to him, they will be deprived of seeing the grandchildren. Josh Powell's control over others continues, even after the ultimate control of Susan was exercised.

    Yet information about Charlie, 5, and Braden, 3, is given out periodically on a website, Josh and Steve Powell maintain. The site recounts school projects, how the boys spent their Mother’s Day, and other information about them. The boys’ faces are blurred.

    Life in Puyallup » Josh Powell and his children continue to live with Steve Powell. A brother and sister of Josh also live in the home.

    Josh Powell said he has taken a job to which he commutes every day, though he declined to discuss where his job is or in what field. Charlie is attending kindergarten at a school near Steven Powell’s home.

    On Thursday night, the boys ate a dinner of tacos and played in the living room while Josh and Steve Powell discussed the events of the past 11 months. Steve Powell said because they don’t know where Susan is, they have only told the boys that their mother is missing.

    “All they know is she’s gone, and they want her back,” he said.

    Josh Powell said he has been attending Parent Teacher Association meetings at Charlie’s school, despite objections from some parents. He criticized television station coverage of those objections.

    I’m a Marvel Comics super villain,” he said of the coverage.

    Josh Powell is a villain. This may be in joking or sarcastic language, but he is correct.

    Josh Powell said he will not move back to Utah nor attend The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — where he met his wife — again. Steve Powell, a former church member, has alleged members including the Coxes have waged a campaign against his son, something the Coxes have also adamantly denied

    Steve Powell said he and his son expect to see Susan again. People wanting to find his daughter-in-law’s body to produce closure are “a bunch of morbid f------ assholes,” Steve Powell said.

    This reveals what manner of man Steve Powell is.    Note in the next article he references her repeatedly in the past tense.  Like his son, victims are disparaged, ridiculed, and even taunted by this impotent and immoral man.  

    She absconded,” Steve Powell said. “We don’t believe she was abducted. We don’t believe she was murdered.”

    such a man would not likely use "I" often; but "we", even when speaking for himself.  He is deceptive. 

    Josh Powell said he has not granted previous interview requests because the people criticizing him did not deserve a response.

    They underestimate my discipline,” Josh Powell said.

    These are powerful words to remember. 

    When he made this statement, he had gone  11 months without cooperating or saying much. But where such pride is, the inevitable fall cannot be far away. This boasting will come back to bite him.  What little he has said here sheds light into his narcissistic sociopathic behavior, along with that of his enabling father, who both are utterly without class; painting a horrible portrait of his children's mother.  Is this an example of love towards his children?  Does disparaging their mother help?  I can only imagine what horrific lies he has fed to the children, and how they have suffered, and will suffer, with this illicit and wrong view of their mother, who loved them, and was about to take steps to free them from his abuse.

    Josh Powell may believe he has gotten away with murder, but justice will eventually catch up to him.

    His words will give him away.

    II.   Latest article

    New sex allegations in Susan Powell case  Note that Statement Analysis is in bold type with quotes highlighted with italics:
    Hours before a Washington judge was scheduled Tuesday to hear Josh Powell’s request for a restraining order against the father of his missing wife, new allegations flew between family and friends at odds in the disappearance of Susan Cox Powell.
    Jennifer Graves, Josh Powell’s estranged sister, and Susan Powell’s best friend in West Valley City, Kiirsi Hellewell, are alleging Susan Powell’s father-in-law had made unwanted sexual advances toward her — claims Steve Powell immediately denied.
    Graves, who lives in West Jordan, said her missing sister-in-law told her that Steve Powell sent her nude photos of men and tried to kiss her on at least one occasion. Steve Powell also allegedly made a comment at one point suggesting Josh and he “share” the woman, Graves said. Susan Powell was repulsed by her father-in-law, Graves said.
    She spurned him a few times,” said Graves, adding she believes her father may have had something to do with Susan Powell’s disappearance. The man had motivation to go after his daughter-in-law when she rebuffed his advances, Graves said.
    Graves said she and Hellewell are now coming forward with the information because Steve Powell is preparing to post teenage diary entries written by Susan Powell online at The Powells claim the entries show Susan Powell was capable of leaving her husband and two young sons — Charlie, 6 and Braden, 4 — for another man. Josh Powell has told police he last saw his wife Dec. 6, 2009, as he left their West Valley City home around midnight to take the children camping in Utah’s west desert.
    Steve Powell, when denying the claims against him, said his daughter “rejected him” following his divorce from his ex-wife, Terrica Powell, in 1992. He said that he and Josh Powell feel “under siege” by the bevy of false allegations against them.
    How did she come up with these ideas?” Steve Powell said of Graves. “I’m baffled, and I’m astounded.”
    Note that although the author of the article states he denies these things, the quotes do not deny.  In fact, they skirt the issue.  He asks a question which, perhaps, he himself is best to answer. 
    Steve Powell said his relationship with Graves has been dicey because he and his other children are not devout members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The relationship ceased all together, he said, when Graves visited Puyallup a year and a half ago and confronted both Steve and Josh Powell about whether they were involved in Susan Powell’s disappearance.

    She came to the door and accused me of murder and said it’s because Susan spurned me, Steve Powell said. 
    Note the additional wording "to the door" which is not necessary for the sentence. "Doors" are often found in statements involving sexual abuse (including doors opening and closing).  He could have said "she said to me" without mentioning the door.  This is significant.  Note also that he frames the words "Susan spurned me" in his sentence.  

    “Susan and I were very close and we were very close up to the end. They’ve tried to portray Susan as being offended by me and being afraid of me and that is not the case. There are just misunderstandings about how Susan felt about me. Susan never let me forget that she was a woman. But she was also a beautiful daughter to me.”

    Please note "very close" is repeated, with the word "very" showing sensitivity.  This means that "very" and repetition are found within one statement.  Note also that he says "being afraid of me" in his own framing of the sentence.  Most powerfully, however, in understanding the relationship between this man and Susan is found in his word "misunderstandings".  
    Please note that he does not deny that Susan was afraid of him. 
    This should cause the reader to conclude that the allegations against him are true, as he only classifies them as "misunderstandings" rather than wrong.   It is likely that Susan feared him, as well as feared his son.  She had reason to, as the subject speaks of "the end" acknowledging that she is dead. 
    West Valley City police have called Josh Powell the only person of interest in the case and continue to urge him to speak with them.

    It is self interest that keeps Josh Powell from speaking with them.  They must continue to gather evidence, and have the boldness to present what they have, including his own statements, to a Grand Jury and hope that the Grand Jury uses common sense. 
     Josh Powell, who has not spoken with police since the early days of the disappearance, has said he is willing to speak with FBI agents if they pay for an attorney to be present.
    The feud came as a Tacoma court commissioner heard the case between Josh Powell and Chuck Cox on Tuesday afternoon. The commissioner ordered both men to remain 500 feet away from each other, The Associated Press reported. She said nothing in Powell’s petition rose to the level of domestic violence, but she issued a mutual anti-harassment order to “keep the peace.”
    In a Tuesday blog entry at, Hellewell backs Graves’ claims. She recounts stories from Susan Powell about living with Steve Powell when she and her husband were newlyweds saving money. They had to convert a dining room into a bedroom, where they hung a curtain for privacy, Hellewell wrote.
    Shortly after moving in Susan began to feel very strange around Steve Powell. She said that she felt like her father-in-law was looking at her inappropriately — and once she even caught him trying to watch her get dressed one day,” Hellewell wrote.

    To this, the analysis of Steve Powell's statements agree. 
    She tried to give her new father-in-law the benefit of the doubt, but the weird feelings and things continued, and one day it culminated in a very inappropriate episode where Steve Powell tried to kiss her. Susan was so creeped out, disgusted and horrified that she told Josh, ‘That’s it, we’re moving out. Now.’  ”
    This, and other statements show that Susan Cox was a strong, moral woman.  It is likely this strength that ignited rage within Josh Powell, and these new revelations show why Steve Powell has had strong reason to be supportive of Josh Powell

    The couple soon moved to Utah, Hellewell wrote, and one day a package arrived from Steve Powell containing photos of Susan’s favorite movie star, Mel Gibson.
    Susan thought this was actually a nice gesture on the part of Steve Powell ... then she saw what was sitting in the middle of the stack of pictures: several pictures of naked men,” Hellewell wrote.

    Hellewell said Susan Powell threw away the photos and vowed to never let her father-in-law near her children
    This may now suggest more motive for killing Susan. 
    She said she didn’t want the boys alone around Steve Powell, Hellewell said.
    Graves recalled Josh Powell acting indifferent toward his father sending the package with photos.
    By then, he was blowing off most stuff. Whatever Dad would do, he would just accept it,” Graves said.   He likely was abused by his father, dominated, and took out his rage upon Susan
    Cox has condemned Steve and Josh Powell’s statements about Susan Powell, disputing their allegations of promiscuity and mental instability.
    Steve Powell on Tuesday said Susan Powell “had some conflicts” about her relationship with him and called her “very flirtatious and very sexual.”
    Friends of Susan Powell have alleged that Steve Powell wrote inappropriate songs about her.
    Steve Powell, who performs as a musician under the name of Steve Chantrey, acknowledged that he has written songs about his daughter-in-law. On his website,, he said a song titled “You Were My First Love” is about Susan Powell.
    “The third verse in ‘You Were My First Love’ was inspired by a picture of Susan and Charlie (her son) looking into each other’s eyes when he was first born, even though the rest of the song was inspired by my own beautiful mother,” Powell said. “Susan cried the first time she heard that song. That was the best compliment anyone could give a songwriter.”
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