Monday, September 5, 2011

Dr. Roth Show Wednesday September 7, 2011

    The Roth Show

    Wednesday, September 7, 7-8pm ET

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    Join Dr. Laurie Roth and Susan Murphy Milano for the regular Wednesday crime segment.  Each week the “Annie Oakley of the Airwaves” and the “Jane Wayne of Justice” join their voices together to make some noise about unsolved crimes, missing persons or update previous cases.
    Never boring, always a surprise or two, and hitting the air with passion for justice and making things right!
    Missing Person’s Cases and Intimate Partner Crimes,“Actions beyond Words” Statement Analysis
    Joining The Roth Show is Statement Analyst, Peter Hyatt to lend his expertise in examining some recent cases of missing persons and those potentially responsible for their disappearance.
    The central theme of this personal blog is “Statement Analysis“, a method of linguistic polygraphy which seeks to discern truth from deception found within speech.
    Peter Hyatt works with law enforcement, private citizens, attorneys, and other organizations, particularly on missing persons cases.  Peter frequently works consulting with law enforcement throughout the country.
    Peter and his wife Heather write timely articles analyzing high profile crimes, often showing readers areas of deception within television and newspaper interviews.  Check out the blog:  Statement Analysis and get to know the Hyatts and the fascinating science of analyzing words and how they are used.

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