Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Expensive of Deception for Tax Payers

    Lies are costly.

    Most people minimize liars, thinking that all lies fall under the same category, and because they have lied about being on time for work, or for taking that extra cookie, they think that all liars are very much, like their own selves.

    It is not so.

    Deception mostly comes from missing, or withheld information, where the speaker deliberately knows that by withholding some information, a misinterpretation, or misunderstanding will take place.  This is why a statement can be analyzed as "deceptive" yet, every sentence within it found to be truthful.

    When someone invents reality, they are capable of things far worse than most in the public believes or knows.  The timing of the lying is critical.  When does one lie?  Is it when the teacher caught the student cheating?  Is it when the boss found the employee coming in late?

    Or, does the lying come from a parent while her child is missing?

    When police are forced to follow up false leads, tips and false sightings, just to divert attention from the guilty, there is an expense; financial and emotional, that comes due.  No one likes being lied to; especially investigators who know that the very leads having to be followed up are given for the motive of diversion.


    The hearing Friday over how much Casey Anthony might owe taxpayers was like a verbal boxing match as both sides battled over dollars and Casey's lies.
    The defense used words like "sour grapes" and even fraud, accusing the state of overcharging Casey, even though she was acquitted.
    Prosecutors said none of this would have happened but for Casey's lies.

    Prosecutors said Casey Anthony's lies about a kidnapping, a job, and a call from Caylee after her disappearance caused investigators to work thousands of hours costing more than a half million tax dollars.
    Prosecutors took a jab at the drowning defense and fought to get that money back.
    Prosecutor Linda Drane said, “But for Ms. Anthony's lying to law enforcement at the inception of this investigation, there would be no costs of investigation.”

    Note the negative as highly important.  "No costs" would have been incurred if she had not lied.  
    The Orange County Sheriff's Office estimated how long an investigation would have taken if Casey had told them from the start that Caylee drowned: six hours, according to Lt. Paul Zamboris.
    The defense said Casey shouldn't have to pay for any work that was done after Sept. 30, 2008, when the sheriff's office stopped looking for a live child, and at the latest, Dec. 11, 2008, when Caylee's remains were found.
    That to me has nothing to do with justice. It has to do with outrage. It has to do with sour grapes,” defense attorney Cheney Mason said.
    WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer agrees with prosecutors that Casey should pay for the investigation up until Dec. 19, 2008.
    Judge Belvin Perry said he hopes to rule in three weeks.
    Casey met with her probation officer last night and says she has not found a job, has taken no classes, and has not gotten into any trouble.

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