Sunday, September 4, 2011

Statement Analysis Blog Introduction

    The following may be helpful for new readership regarding this blog.

    Welcome to "Statement Analysis", a blog of news stories by Peter and Heather Hyatt.

    The central theme of this personal blog is "Statement Analysis", a method of linguistic polygraphy which seeks to discern truth from deception found within speech.  Its methodology is based upon two main divisions:

    1.  Laws of Grammar
    2.  Observation

    Although there are many articles about analysis for the purpose of learning, we also take daily news stories from online sources and highlight the quotes (generally in italics) with analysis (generally in bold type).  Statement Analysis is not difficult to learn, but takes a great deal of practice.  Because of the cumulative effect of learning, questions often arise that have already been answered previously and can be found using the 'search' feature.

    The blog is personally run by us, so it includes, at times, human interest stories, and personal opinion (including religious views) and viewpoints on a variety of subjects.  For those who strongly disagree with the viewpoints expressed here,  we encourage them to begin their own blog, as our country affords us all the freedom to express our opinions and viewpoints.

    Who We Are:   We are concerned citizens, and post only that which we hold out as conclusions as from ourselves.  Our viewpoints do not represent any organization, but belong to us, who, as Americans, cherish freedom of speech and the freedom to express our opinions on any topics that concern us.  We feel the same way about our readership in their commenting.  We post as citizens and not journalists, which impacts us as described below.

    Radio:  Besides this blog, we also host "The Peter Hyatt Show" on blog talk radio, and Peter frequently appears on radio programs hosted by others, when requested.  Most of these shows are on current crime stories and include:  Crime Wire, The Simon Barrett Show, The Levi Page Show, Profiling w Pat Brown, Dr. Roth, Susan Murphy Milano, and most recently, on Ellis County Observer radio show.

    Especially dear to us are the stories of missing or murdered children, though we do not limit our analysis nor commentary to such.

    Law Enforcement:  Peter works with law enforcement, private citizens, attorneys, and other organizations, particularly on missing persons cases.  Peter frequently works consulting with law enforcement throughout the country.  On any given case, analysis won't be posted (if the material is new) without first consulting with the local police. In new cases, law enforcement receives the analysis prior to posting.   Law Enforcement is also consulted before appearing on radio.  Peter is not a journalist, and it is our hope that the cause of justice is maintained.  If any law enforcement  investigator wishes a topic not to be discussed in an ongoing investigation, or believes that an appearance on a radio show will hinder the progress of the investigation, Peter will comply.  He has been, at times, asked to appear, and at other times, asked not to.  No analysis will be published against the wishes of the investigators working a case.  This is a different belief than what is commonly held in journalism.

    Commenting:  As iron sharpens iron, so it is that much learning comes from the comments section which allows back and forth, and a brainstorming of sorts, especially on unsolved cases.  The commenting is an important feature in a blog, giving voice to readers, and helping the increase of knowledge.

    Contributors:  We have many strong contributors, including professionals from all walks of life, and intelligent people from all sorts of backgrounds rich in experience. This is invaluable to the overall learning impact of the blog.  Not all regular readers agree with all analysis, but the spirit of civility, in agreeing to disagree pervades the commenting section.  Some cases are put on 'back burner' while awaiting greater sample for analysis.

    Readers should not feel slighted if their comment or question is not speedily addressed.
    Daily, many comments come in, on many different articles, making it impossible to read and/or answer all questions.  The best time to read our responses is nights and weekends as we review what we can.

    Regarding Analysis Requests:   We receive many requests, daily, for analysis.  We receive many requests for analysis daily, which are impossible to answer all.  If you want a statement analyzed, you must post the link or transcribe the video.  Often, a video is posted on YouTube in which someone wants it analyzed for deception, and there isn't time enough to transcribe, this is why the transcription must be done first and the accuracy of such is the responsible of the submitter, as error will impact results.

    There are many readers well capable of providing analysis, so often commentators find that if they post a quote, they will often receive a speedy response from others.

    Regarding Post Deletions:

    Reasonable arguments are not deleted.  If a statement is deemed "deceptive" and the commentator disagrees, the commentator should include the statement and reason why it is believed to be truthful, in order to receive a response, either from us, or other readers.

    Spam Filter:    It may be that if you hit enter twice, it is interpreted as Spam. If your comment does not appear, the Spam filter is checked each night, and errors corrected; your post will show up.  Also, if you attempt to copy/paste the same comment on different articles, it will be caught as "Spam" and be filtered out.

    Comments of personal attack, or deliberately posting falsehood as truth, vulgar language, or those which copy/paste said posts, even when attempting to refute them, are deleted.  Posts that seek to insult or taunt, especially when under the banner of "free speech" or "disagreement" are deleted.  Civility is the standard.  In sensitive matters, some will attempt to "shoot the messenger" once the message cannot be refuted and this post will be deleted. The original inappropriate posts are marked as "Spam", and over time, the IP address will be "spammed out" of the comments section.  If an inappropriate comment is posted, please do not respond, nor copy/paste any portion of the inappropriate comment, as your reply will end up deleted as well.

    Most times when readers find their comments deleted, it is due to the accidental hitting of the "enter" key more than once.  By evening, the comment should return.

    When analysis is disagreed with, the commentator need only to show the statement and why it is that the statement is deemed truthful.  This allows for responses, either from us, or other readers who may wish to weigh in.

    Comments advertising products are generally caught by Spam.  On any given day, there are a large number of them in the Spam filter.

      Search Feature

    Often, we receive requests for either information or analysis that has already well been covered.  In particular, certain aspects of analysis are repeated often, from case to case (Analysis is consistently applied) and the search feature is a great tool to find either a specific case covered, or even a principle.

    It is also important for new readers to read some of the "101" articles posted in order to understand the general principle on why some words are highlighted and some are deemed "sensitive" or important.

    Famous Cases

    Famous cases highlight methodology and are interesting to the reader.   Most people want to know "did he do it?" or "is she guilty?" by way of human nature.  As any crime is reported to the public, it is within us all to ask "who is responsible?", which is why "whodunits" are popular, throughout human history, and receive the most attention in movies, books, television, and online.  It is not "judgmental" to have an opinion (though this is mostly the claim of those who hold a contrary opinion), and it is just that:  an opinion or viewpoint.

    The internet has given way to an entirely new way of personalizing such cases.

    Once in our country, a writer could hold an opinion and express it, for example, in a news paper where readers would agree or disagree, but now, through the abilities of electronic communication, the very people involved, and those close to them, may communicate with those who hold a particular viewpoint.  This is bound to create friction, but should not lead to incivility.

    Passions can run high and those who are so convinced of a particular case's outcome, need only to begin their own blog and express their viewpoints for anyone so interested.  It is without cost, and is a freedom we all cherish.

    The famous cases allow readership to see an important aspect of any analysis:  consistency.

    The same principles applied, for example, to one case in which deception has been uncovered, are the same principles applied to other cases, where adjudication has yet to take place.  This highlights the consistent application of Statement Analysis, and it allows the reader, who may have a 'pet case' to know more about how analysis has come to its conclusion, permitting the reader to decide for himself or herself, whether or not they wish to read this blog or not.


    Although we often describe ourselves as "apolitical", it is inevitable that we will be accused of analyzing one party more than another.  This happens on every post where a politician's statement is posted for analysis.

    The purpose of the analysis is to show deception.  Politicians, of all stripes and persuasions, are  highly generous in giving us samples for analysis and we are grateful for the learning experience.

    Fiscally, socially, and religiously, we, like most Americans, have our viewpoints and as owners of the blog, are free to express these viewpoints and often do.  For those who so strongly disagree with our right to post our viewpoints, our advice remains the same:  start a blog.  You will then be free to post contrary viewpoints, as something we Americans are fond of doing.  Posting taunts or insults, however,  because your political favorite has been shown to be deceptive is of no value and the lesson will be learned if you begin your own blog, with your own political favorites, in short order what it is like to have your blog replete with insults needing to be deleted.  You can block all comments, if you wish, but we find that the commenting here is so valuable of a learning tool, that it is worth the time and effort it takes to delete the inappropriate ones.  The wheat is valuable enough to fan away the chaff.

    We have learned a great deal from readership, and many have seen their own analysis incorporated into our articles, with fond gratitude for the contributions.

    Because our motive in criminal cases is justice, and not journalism, we have a greater latitude of what not to report, or not to comment upon during a broadcast.

    We hope that you enjoy our blog, and that you, like us, learn much.  We affirm that Statement Analysis, or "careful listening" is of great value to us, as a society, not just in criminal matters, but in all matters of communication between human beings.  "Speak ye every man the truth..." would not need to be stated had it not been for deception.

    Here, we help readership learn discernment that can be applied to every aspect of their lives, from personal relationships, to monetary exchanges.  No one likes being lied to.  There is a certain presupposition associated with being lied to; that the victim of the lie is not smart enough to discern.  We help uncover truth from deception.

    Whether it is called "Statement Analysis" or the other names so often used (verbal polygraphy, discourse analysis, scientific content analysis, forensic interviewing, analytical interviewing, and so on), the principles remain the same, just as Solomon, so very long ago, showed us in highlighting the order of which the two women spoke, in a custody suit heard before him.

    Recommendations for Study

    Frequently, we recommend books of interest, but also training tools and courses available to the public. Having received an initial 200 hours of interview training, along with continuing educational units in topics such as child abuse indicators, medical signs of abuse, domestic violence, diagnosis impact, (and so on) coupled with experience of more than 2500 interviews, successful completion of courses from LSI and Advanced Interviewing Concepts, Peter is confident that his recommendations for readership will lead to greater discernment, therefore, frequently posts links to courses and books that he has benefited from.

    If you have other questions for us, please feel free to post them in the comments section.

    Welcome, and come prepared to contribute. We hope you enjoy the experience of learning as much as we do.

    The Hyatts

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