Lying under oath is lying under oath. Being a mother, or a grandmother does not mean that swearing to God to tell the truth is no longer applicable. Telling the truth under oath is a bedrock of our justice system.
How deep is Cindy Anthony's perjury?
It goes to murder one.
Jose Baez will also face trouble for knowingly calling a witness he knew would lie.
Cindy Anthony testified that she was not at work but home researching chloroform online.
Casey's chloroform searches indicate premeditation and Cindy's perjury will likely be the subject of charges, since it was an attempt to derail murder one charges against Casey Anthony.
The State has an obligation to protect the dignity and solemnity of our criminal justice system.
Statement Analysis showed that Cindy Anthony's answer is a lie.
As the State produces evidence to show the lies of Cindy Anthony, we should see the State pressing forward charges.
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