Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Casey Anthony Update

    The judge has ruled on the motion filed late Friday and will allow Lee Anthony to be in the courtroom.

    Cindy Anthony is testifying today, and it appears that she is not going to outright lie for Casey, with regards to Casey's "scorched earth" policy of blaming George, Lee and Cindy for covering up an 'accidental death'.

    The jury heard "excited utterance" in the 911 call from Cindy when she reported that the car smelled like a dead body had been in it.

    Would Cindy tell the truth about the smell of human decomposition?

    Even if she does not tell the truth, the jury will have already heard her voice, in the excited utterance, describing the smell as a dead body.

    Statement Analysis and update later today.

    Source URL: https://wallpaper-com.blogspot.com/2011/05/casey-anthony-update.html
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