Friday, May 20, 2011

A Voice for Hailey Dunn

    NYC police (and prosecutors) debated hotly:  do we stop Mr. Frenchman rapist from boarding that plane?  If we do, there is going to be international controversy and plenty of trouble for all of us, now, and for many months to come.   This guy has the highest paid attorneys in NYC at his disposal.  Talk about buying justice, this guy can buy and sell it with his millions and with political pressure.  The IMF?  We don't get paid a lot.  This is going to be months of stress.  Do we just wait, 15 minutes, perhaps, and let him go, and hand this off to the feds so they can do the extradict game and we can be done with it?  We have our lives, our families, and enough stress...what do we do?

    Local PD had to think to themselves:     They are going to sue our rear ends, each and every one of us, from the officers who sign the affidavit, to the cop who tells JFK:  You ain't going nowhere.  They are going to go after each and every one of us.  Lawyers lie, lawyers smear, and lawyers have no consequences.

    What should they do?

    They followed their convictions and boldly stopped the plane from taking off and slapped the cuffs on him. "You're under arrest!"

    They did the right thing.  "All men are created equal" in context, means just this:  it matters not that you are wealthy and powerful, and that your victim is a servant:  you will face justice.

    What does this have to do with the Hailey Dunn investigation?

     Let's hope officials working the criminal disappearance of Hailey Dunn, 13, are taking notice of the courage of conviction shown by NYC.

    There is enough circumstantial evidence encircling this case, including cell phone pings,  records,  texts, video, deception, and child pornography to take it to a Grand Jury.

    With the release of information that claimed more than 100,000 deviant images, including child pornography and bestiality, found on computers and computer devices, should the local population feel safe?  Should they breathe easy and not be concerned about their children's safety?  Should they feel confident about those they have chosen to serve and protect?

                                              What is taking so long?

    Hailey Dunn was last seen by her brother on December 26th, about 9PM, in the year, 2010. 

    We now approach 5 months time and we have learned about child pornography, drugs, threats of violence, failed polygraphs, and...

    no arrests.

    Even a single child pornographic image is enough to safe guard the streets and put the possessor of such filth in a locked cage, safely away from children, for years to come.

                                        What is taking so long?

    Objection:  Child porn was found in 3 different counties; therefore, the delay is due to coordination of various county officials.

    Answer:   1 hour.

    Schedule a meeting with evidence having been previously shared, and one hour will be needed to sit down, have coffee, view the evidence, and make the decision to either arrest, or convene a Grand Jury.

    A Grand Jury is an investigative tool.

    As attorney Ray Guidice said on the show:  The feds do this all the time.  They are good at what they do and they don't mess around:  they get tough sentences for those in society who are sexually aroused by children and possess the evidence of a crime that has already taken place. If the counties can't get together and agree, then hand it over to the feds.  It is way past time.

    Objection:  The volume of material is overwhelming and it is taking a long time to go through.

    Answer:     Then throw out 108,900 of the 109,000 images and present just 100 of the worst.  This would lead to a life sentence, upon conviction, for anyone of any age.  It makes the streets safe and can greatly aid in locating the body.

    Enough already.

    Objection:  This case cannot be successfully prosecuted without a body.

    Answer:     Prosecution without a body is difficult, granted, but most believe that should arrests be made on the child pornography charges, the location of the body will be revealed as a part of a plea agreement.  A "slam dunk" may not be necessary for justice.  It may be more comfortable, but cases have gone forward without a body.

    The NYC case was tough and officials knew that this case would be scrutinized, not just under 7 million watching eyes in the city and its cracker jack investigative reporters, but internationally as well.  Already we have heard of French polls saying "conspiracy" and the lying attorney who literally gave a dollar figure that the maid was alleged to have been seeking:  something made up out of thin air.

    NYC police took the bold move and stopped the plane.


    They believed that the victim was worth it.  The victim was worth all the headaches caused by this one action.  It was a decision of courage and of personal sacrifice and it will cost them months of stressful scrutiny. 

                                 Hailey Dunn was only 13 years old.

    She had her entire life ahead of her, and it was taken from her.

    She deserves justice.

    She is worth the courage of following convictions.

    Take what you have and present it to a Grand Jury.  Allow them to do their work.  Child pornography, drugs,  and a 13 year old child did not mix.

    Hailey needs a voice now.

    A 13 year old child who cannot speak for herself.  A 13 year old child who needs a voice.

    Officials working this investigation, including the district attorneys, can be that voice.

    Hailey Dunn needs a voice.

    "Open your mouth for the speechless, In the cause of all who are appointed to die.

    Open your mouth, judge righteously, And plead the cause of the poor and needy."  Proverbs 31:8-9  


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