Tyler Hamilton, former teammate of Lance Armstrong, has joined in with the other voices in accusing Lance of doping during races.
Lance Armstrong's twittered denial is similar to the many denials he has made over the years:
"20 + year career. 500 drug controls world wide, in and out of competition. Never failed a test. I rest my case."
Note the missing pronouns.
Objection: This is a form of 'text speak'
Response: True, but note where the pronoun does appear.
"Never failed a drug test" does not state that Lance Armstrong never failed a drug test. He does not say who never failed a drug test.
Note when the pronoun, "I" enters the statement, it is strong.
"I rest my case" also includes the possessive pronoun "my" showing ownership.
This is an indication that he does not wish to continue about the issue.
In Lance Armstrong's many denials over the years, Statement Analysis has never once heard him say "I didn't do it" in any form.
"I have never tested positive" is similar to "I have never been caught."
It was exciting to watch Tour after Tour of victories, and sad to see French fans throw urine on him while driving by in his bike.
It is our belief that most, and perhaps, all the competitors at the Tour de France use stimulents of one form or another, either during the race, or during training.
As fans, it is sad to read these weak denials. The book, "It's Not About the Bike" was a source of inspiration, but the higher principle applies: "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks" and the consistent weak denials continue.
Recently, home run hitter Harmon Killibrew died. He said that Hank Aaron was the true home run champion and that the Hall of Fame should not allow those who's bodies dramatically changed as home run records were shattered. The list of liars was long, and the lies easy to discern for readers of Statement Analysis.
In cycling, even cold medicines are banned as "stimulants" and certain cremes and lotions are banned, even when treating injury.
Perhaps cycling would be best served by reason, rather than hatred, accusations, and politics.
Millions and millions of dollars are on the line, as we Americans do not recognize how big cycling is in other parts of the world. Just appearing in the Tour can bring an athlete a million dollars in endorsements.
The winners of each stage are tested, immediately after the race.
In some countries south of the US border, anabolic steroids are purchased under/over the counter.
A young athlete can build up muscle artificially, through the use of steroids, strong workouts and strict diets, and increase his strength far more than drug free athletes.
The same athlete can then come to the States, having finished his steroid "cycles", and now test as if he is "drug free" supplanted, perhaps, a clean athelete who has not had the assistance of drugs.
Reason is needed.
Parents' behavior has become a central issue in children's sports as greedy parents "fight" for their child's "future million dollar contract", causing a host of problems for children, parents, coaches, and the community at large.
It has gotten so bad in the last generation that youth organizations have actually published "behavioral guidelines", not for children, but for parents.
When I was a boy, Little League was a privilege, and not an entitlement, and my mom cheered, but from the bleachers.
I respected my coach and never said a contrary word to the umpire.
Today, we find coaching means placating parents rather than teaching sportsmanship, or enhancing a child's masculinity, confidence, and development.
The world has changed a great deal.
What should Lance do? Readers here who have read his book likely agree that it was an exciting and inspirational story.
The truth is also inspirational. Source URL: https://wallpaper-com.blogspot.com/2011/05/lance-armstrong-responds-to-latest.html
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