Saturday, May 28, 2011

Headaches are

    Headaches are usually not associated with important diseases. The characteristics, time of occurrence, location, and the symptoms and signs associated with headache show the origin of headaches. Ask targeted questions to clarify each of these characteristics.
    Characteristics of headache caused by dilated blood vessels are pulsing. Tumors located in causing tenderness, deep, like a toothache. Neuralgia causes pain as tingling. Tension causes pain as feeling depressed or depressed circular ribbon. Also suggested the timing of a particular diagnosis. Usually, headaches that occur upon awakening is more important than if it does at night. Hypertension, sinusitis, and tumors cause headaches in the morning. Tension headaches and eye fatigue due to mild astigmatism is often worse in the afternoon and evening. The headaches that have suffered during the years bertanun most likely not related to the neoplasm.

    Ask the patient to pinpoint the location of pain. Pain due to intracranial disease transferred in accordance with the location of the disease. The mass lesion above tentorium serebeli divert the pain into the branches of the fifth cranial nerve. The pain is felt in front of the ear. Lesions below the tentorium was transferred to a regional cranial nerve distribution to the nine and ten, behind the ear. Migraines are usually unilateral and are often preceded by an aura or warning signs, usually visual. Because of tension headache almost always occurs in the occipital region as it relates to muscular spasm paraspinosus neck. Frontal and maxillary sinus inflammation causing pain in the area of ​​the sinuses. Pain may be transferred to the occiput when the sinus sfenoid.

    The symptoms associated give important clues and sometimes only dimly. Nighttime cough and post nasal drip (post nasal drip) to strengthen the diagnosis of sinus disease. Morning headaches in men who experience chronic fatigue, obesity, and pletorik with disturbed sleep patterns and snoring loudly indicate the occurrence of sleep apnea and nighttime hypoxia as a cause of headache. Neurologic deficit or seizures lead to cerebrovascular disease or tumor.

    Duralis arteries, the arteries at the base of the brain, and venous sinuses are large sensing spasm or pain that occurs when very swollen. Factors such as fever, retention of carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide, and hypoxia alter pembulun tonus of cerebral blood and can cause headaches. Inflammation of temporal arteries in temporal arteritis can cause headaches and myalgia in the shoulder area and the superior extremity.

    Increased intracranial pressure stretch the lining of the brain as well as vascular structures. Pull or pressure on the lining of the brain may cause pain in patients with brain tumors. Coughing and straining further increase intracranial pressure and aggravate the pain on brain tumors because of increased intracranial pressure. Brain tumors also cause projectile vomiting. Typical of this particular type of vomiting is not related dengari vomit nausea, occur suddenly and cause the release of the contents of the stomach with great force.

    Source: Pustaka: Adams Diagnosis Fisik | fkunhas
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