Is this an indication that Cindy Anthony may, in some way, seek to cooperate with the defense' phase of the trial?
Dr. Lilian Glass correctly identifies deception by Cindy Anthony, using both body language analysis and statement analysis in the following article posted at her website
Cindy Anthony initially appeared in her testimony for the prosecution as if she was ready to tell the truth, and was softer and more compliant. After all, Casey had not only accused George Anthony, via her attorney's opening statement, of molestation, but her beloved son, Lee Anthony as well. At the time, it appeared to have either angered Cindy, or have awakened her. She claimed that it was but 6 weeks prior to her testimony that she finally learned that Caylee was dead, and that she died by drowning. Even though she had organized a memorial service and had Caylee's ashes, Cindy Anthony contended that Caylee was alive, "with Zanny the Nanny" in Brooklyn, New York.
Just a few weeks ago, Cindy learned from Casey (via Baez) that Zanny the Nanny, the babysitter who cared daily, and even overnights, for Caylee, did not exist.
For most people, this is not credible. How could a registered nurse not know, for example, that tiny Casey was 5 months pregnant? Baez used this as proof of the lies that Cindy and George forced upon his client.
How is it that Casey could pretend not only to have a job, but a full time nanny, while stealing credit cards, cash, piggy bank money, and bank funds?
When Cindy finally did call 911, it was originally to get back the car. Caylee had been missing for more than a month by that time, but depending upon who Cindy speaks to, Casey was either a "sociopath" who would steal every penny from someone, or she was a "wonderful mother" who not only maternal to her friends, but would give them financial advice. For most of the public, this was difficult to digest.
But where is Cindy going with this?
When asked for a hairbrush, she later wrote in an email that she deliberately gave the FBI the wrong brush.
Prosecutors made a decision not to file charges against her. At some point, Lee Anthony needed and received immunity.
Something is very dirty in this case and it is not just murder. There is lots of money to be made off of the blood of an innocent child. "Pro Bono" attorneys were unafraid to self glorify in front of the cameras, but when the gravy train appeared to dry up, most left, only to surface again, same lies as before, attempting to trade-mark of sorts, their faces and names.
It is good for business, after all.
Something is just not right about this case.
Dr. Glass reported that Cindy stands to make 2 million dollars on a book and is taking notes, ghoulishly in court, for this book.
I won't buy it.
Is Cindy going back to being Cindy? Will Cindy let George take the fall, if the defense doesn't bring Lee into it?
Cindy Anthony Lies on Stand,Over Explains, Gives Casey Mixed Messages By Mouthing” I Love You”
Initially Cindy Anthony arrived on the stand with a delicate voiced demeanor . But it wasn’t long until her a defensive snarky tones appeared. Cindy was back in full form and back to her old self when she spoke of how her hair grows fast. She was not asked about how fast her hair grew, yet she volunteered too much too much information. When someone does this it often means they are deceptive or have something to hide. This may also be Cindy’s attempt to control and manipulate. information.
Now we hear Cindy tell a LIE. She says that her hair was ast her shoulders during Christmas time in 2008. She even points to her shoulder as she says this.
This is not true as you can see in the photo above. Her hair is no where near past her shoulders. She is obviously lying as she thinks doing so may protect Casey in some way. Then Cindy makes absolutely no sense. Linda Drane Burdick asks her about her length of hair in July and August of 2008 and Cindy volunteers some cockamamie story about her hair being long in 2006.
No one asked her about 2006. She is attempting to divert information and manipulate as she goes on about irrelevant information.
This photos clearly shows several signals of deception as she discusses how her hair was as long as Linda Drane Burdick’s hair. We see her a. close her eyes, b. shrug her shoulders, and c. purse her lips. These are all signs she was not being truthful with her information. Linda asked about 2008 not 2006.
Cindy was then shown a photo of Caylee in 2008 which showed the length of Caylee’s hair which was past her shoulders. Now everything makes sense as to what Cindy was attempting to do. In my view, she was so adamant about letting everyone know how long her hair because in my view, it was her attempt create confusion about who’s hair it was . Caylee’s hair was long and Cindy was trying to get across that her hair was long as well, This was clearly not accurate information.
Cindy was shown a photo of Casey and Caylee which was brought into evidence. She looked at the photo and then quickly wiped one eye and then the other . There were no tears and no liquid to indicate despair and most of all no facial expression to indicate tears and upset. It is my view that she was doing this for the purposes of jury sympathy. These non tear crying and eye wiping of non tears is very similar to Casey’s behavior.
Cindy then shows her manipulation as she refuses to answer Linda Dran Burdick’s question about both containers being similar to the ones she had in her home. All she had to do was answer “yes. “ Insteaf, she had to be difficult and say that she didn’t know the size of the first container. No one was asking her about the size of the container . She was just asked a simple question, that is often asked to kids on Sesame Street ” Which is like the other?”
When she was grilled, , she finally answered “yes “after wasting so much unnecessary time. She needed to have answered “yes” the first place.
Previously Cindy reported in her deposition that the cylindrical container which was was once in Caylee’s room and was missing. Now she tries to backtrack and explain herself . Linda busts her about her making a different statement .We then see Cindy have a case of the itchie scratchies.
This indicates being caught in deception.After she is forced to admit that she made two different statements, Cindy does so with reluctance as we see her purse her lips in embarrassment. It also means that she doesn’t want to say anymore.
Here we see a clear signal of deception as Cindy says she thought it was in Cayee’s bedroom. Note how she immediately brings her finger up to her eye which indicates deception. She continues to show deception as she says”uh uh as I said in the previous deposition” (shoulder shrug) and with you (shoulder shrug) that my memory has gotten better. This statement does not make sence and is indicative of deception.
When she leaves the stand, she immediately changes her tune towards Casey. Amanda Ober of WESH-Channel 2 reported that Cindy “did make eye contact with Casey and mouth the words ’I love you.’
Casey apparently just shrugged her shoulders which meant that she could care less what Cindy says.
Personally I find this behavior by Cindy extremely interesting and telling. Here is a woman who on the stand weeks earlier sobbed her heart out about Caylee . She spoke quickly without hesitation. She refused to even look at Casey. Casey in turn, cried in anger over her mother’s betrayal and cold shoulder.
Now whan Cindy leaves the stand she tells Casey she loves her. This gives us a glimpse of Cindy’s push and pull behavior with Casey. It is called ”Crazy Making”, “messing with one’s mind” and manipulation. Cindy has sent Casey mixed messages. It’s the I love you/ I hate you behavior that we see in many people with Boarderline Personality disorders. I am not diagnosing Cindy with Boarderline Personality disorder as she may or may not have this condition.
But she has done something that is confusing and disturbing. If Casey had a lifetime of these mixed messages, it is no wonder that she is where she is today. Casey hated Cindy and it is not difficult to see why. Casey hated Cindy so much that she was willing to put Caylee up for adoption rather than have Cindy raise the baby.
Casey told Detective Appie Wells that she was afraid of her mother. Whether Caylee had an accident or the” accident” was done on purpose, Casey despised Cindy and now we can see why. The control, manipulation, double messages may have been what sent Casey over the edge.
For those of you who say Casey was born a sociopathic monster, I say you may be correct. However, her abberant family environment may have helped exacerbate her genetic predisposition.
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